Monday, 19 August 2013


I found some stats about crashes on the Pukerua Bay road. The article on the nzta webside is talking about the recent change that was made that meant that instead of the speed limit changing from 50km to 70km nearing the end of Pukerua Bay it now stays at 50km all the way through Pukerua Bay.

19 Jul 2013 | Wellington Regional Office

“Pukerua Bay has had 43 accidents over the past five years - three of them fatal.  This is a particularly concerning number of casualties for a two kilometre stretch of road, and we need to take action.  By keeping the speed limit at 50km/hr right up till the 80km/hr zone along the Coast Road, this road will be safer for everyone who uses it.”

The traffic volume going through Pukerua Bay per day is around 23,400 (2006).
With the development of transmission gully the traffic going through Pukerua Bay is set to decrease to 5,900 in 2026. That would be a decrease in 76%

Establishing shots of Pukerua Bay


So, these are the contact shots and the best photos for the establishing shots of Pukerua Bay.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Trial _ First Shoot

So for this first shoot I experimented with the phone in my camera.
I was too far away to see the speed reader, or whatever its called that tells the speed of the cars.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Trent Parke and Roni Kleiner

Trent Parke, Australian world rally, 2002,

Genre: uses a documentary perspective combined with image manipulation.
Techniques: Parke uses digital, black and white photography, in the photo below Parke uses the technique of tracking the car while its moving while taking the photo. Along with what looks like a high ISO.

In the photo below there is a car traveling in the middle of the photo from left to right, the background of the photo is completely blurry and you can see solid lines and shapes, the car is not in complete focus but it is in more focus than the background.

These pictures were taken at the world rally championships in Perth Australia 2002.
I really like how he shows speed in his images, the techniques he uses here makes the car look almost like a painting. The techniques here I find really cool and it would be awesome to put that technique in my images. I like the fact that Parke doesn't use colour in his images, it creates a photo that looks like it wasn't taken at a race track.

Roni Kleiner, Glass Boy, Tel Aviv: Israel, 2011, A television advert.

Kleiner uses animation, realism, symbolism and documentary genres in these series of images which Kleiner took from his own advertisement.
In this digital advertisement Kleiner uses staged scenes and animation to act out the situation of a glass boy being hit by a car.

In the photo below we see a boy in the right hand section of the photograph made of glass. A car which is in contact with him is taking up the right hand section of the photograph. The boy is standing on a pedestrian crossing. The colours in the photograph are quite dull. mainly grey's and white which help to draw out a somber mood from the viewers.

The context behind this photo and the advertisement is the attempt to stop or reduce speeding. The advertisements message "life is fragile" is symbolized by the boy. The advertisement has two parts, the first part is when the car is doing 60mph, the car hits the boy and the boy shatters. The next part is when the car is doing 40mph and when the car hits the boy only his leg breaks. This culture of speeding is what the photos and the advertisement are trying to reduce.

My response to this photo is that it makes me feel sad watching the advertisement and seeing the boy getting hit by the car. It reminds me to watch my speed which is what the advertisement was intended for. With my project I want to produce the same message in terms of I want people to watch their speed also. In seeing my project I want people to notice that there is a problem of speeding on Pukerua Bay roads and I want something to be done about it.


Burt Glinn and Project Proposal

Burt Glinn, 1954, State traffic drive, Washington,

Genre: Documentary photography, realism, landscape, black and white film, .
Landscape, black and white film, the photo below uses fast shutter speed to capture the moving car. The photos look like they have been taken at night or just really fast shutter speed.

The photo below is in landscape, black and white, in the bottom left hand corner is the back of a policeman, the bottom right of the photo is a speed radar being held by the policeman. The top half of the photo is just purely black and a blurry white car is traveling through the middle of the photo from right to left.

Burt Glinn was the president of magnum photos for a time, he photographed revolutions, wars, photo essays etc, these photos below were taken from a political angle in Washington, America. From this documentary perspective I think that Glinn was documenting what was happening with traffic laws at that time. I tried to find out why taking these photos would be important and what exactly was happening around that time but I didn't turn up anything. At a guess it would be new laws that were being passed at that time.
The use of the speed camera, with the car in the background is really interesting and it shows something about society and what was going on in the time. I really like the lighting, the strong lines and it makes it look like someone is in trouble or someone is doing something wrong. I want to draw from Glinn's work the idea of showing the speed of the cars that I'm photographing, but I also like the composition of this photo and I may incorporate some of that into my photography. 

Project Proposal

Aim: My aim with this project is to put together a counsel proposal through photography that shows the state of the main road in Pukerua Bay, to show the speeding that occurs and the pedestrians that cross it.
The speed limit of the main road that passes through Pukerua Bay is 50km, but hardly anyone drives at that limit. The train station is across from the main road and so for many years myself, my family and most of the people who live on the side without the train station have to cross the dangerous main road to get to the train station.

Method: My project has a few parts to it.
Overall Data: I will take establishing shots of Pukerua Bay that show the main road, the train station ect and I will have the time it takes to walk to the overbridge. I will also include if I can how many accidents have occurred at this junction. I may use some of Trent parks techniques for this section of my projects to show speed with the cars.
Cars: I want to show that there is a significant percentage of cars that speed on that road. I will take photos of cars with the speed device associated with it.
I will then categorise those cars. I haven't decided if I want to categorise them according to car type but will decide to see if certain types of cars speed or if certain cars speed more at different times of the day.
People: I will count how many people walk across that road in a particular morning and include photos of that, at a particular time in the mornings.

Why: I'm doing this because crossing the main road every morning is extremely frustrating and dangerous, there have been occasions where there have been close calls. My little brothers and sisters cross that road, the community has complained about that road many times and I know that there has been meetings and such nothing practical has been done. I'm doing this because I want people to know the state of that road and I want something to be done about it.

Out Put: For this output I want this to be a submission to the counsel. I want my photos to be printed and to be put on white card about A3 size with each bored a different part of my project.