Wednesday, 11 September 2013

This is the Physical Hand in for my project.

I chose to do a mock counsel proposal that outlined the dangers of the road, the speeds of the traffic and the percentage of pedestrians that crossed the road.

These are the Final Set of Images for my project.

The statistics from NZTA that I have shown are that 92% of the cars speed, and the average speed of the cars.Also that the population of pkb is 1,722, 18% of Pkb use public transport and that 325 people cross the road daily.

These are my final survey images from the Pukerua Bay road.


Between 1-1.30pm on the Pukerua Bay main road just north of the dairy 59 cars were traveling between 50 and 53km/h. Out of the 114 cars that were surveyed 51.75% were traveling between these speeds.

22 Cars were traveling between 54km and 55km, this is 19.29% of the sample. and and 33 cars were traveling over 55km/h and this made up 28.94% of the sample. 

0ver 55km
 33 cars were traveling over 55km/h and this made up 28.94% of the sample

Overall 23 cars were driving 50km/h and under which means that 78.83% cars were driving over 50km/h.
This is an unacceptable amount and something needs to be done about it soon.

These are the contact sheets and some of the trial images for the Statistics shoot.

My final Project Proposal

Aim: My aim with this project is to put together a counsel proposal through photography that shows the state of the main road in Pukerua Bay, to show the speeding that occurs and the danger to the pedestrians that cross it.The speed limit of the main road that passes through Pukerua Bay is 50km, but hardly anyone drives at that limit as the speed before and after Pukerua Bay is 100km. The train station is across from the main road and so the people who live on the side without the train station have to cross the main highway to get to the train station.There is a bridge along Pukerua Bay but it adds another 10minutes to your journey.

Cars: I want to show that there is a significant percentage of cars that speed on that road. I will take photos of cars with the speed radar that shows the speed.
People: I want to show visually how many people walk across that road in a particular morning and the percentage of pukerua bay that use public transport.
I also want to show the time it takes if you were to walk over the bridge and some photos of the junction and establishing photos of Pukerua Bay.

Why: I'm doing this because crossing the main road every morning is extremely frustrating and dangerous.The main road and the people crossing it has been a community issue for many years. There has been some talk and meetings held but nothing practical has been done. I'm doing this because I want people to know the state of that road and I want something to be done about it.

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